Nation Builders was founded in the spring of 2022. The core goal of Nation Builders is to physically and spiritually build and spread the good news of the Lord. Nation Builders does this by…… 

  • Partnering with missionaries and organizations that are in need of schools to be able to freely teach the Word of God.
  • Partnering with orphanages to help gather the lost and forgotten children and to help steward and raise the next generation of kingdom builders.
  • Partnering with hospitals to be able to care for the sick as well as cover them in words of healing and life.
  • Partnering with resorts to help serve missionaries, pastors, and the local community to be able to come together physically and spiritually as one for the same purpose to spread the Word of God effectively both near and far.

Nation Builders background is in construction and serving the local church. With over a decade of residential and commercial design, building, and managing experience Nation Builders is now expanding to overseas missions to help build the Kingdom of God.